Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
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[11:47:52.753] > ready: b428c5836ec1
[11:47:52.769] > Linux 4.19.66+ #1253 Thu Aug 15 11:37:30 BST 2019
[11:47:52.770] Platform: linux
[11:47:52.890] > b428c5836ec1: running
[11:47:52.950] > Unsupported architecture: armv6l
[11:47:52.952] > b428c5836ec1##27##
[11:47:52.952] Received install output: b428c5836ec1##27##
[11:47:52.953] Unsupported architecture
[11:47:52.953] Terminating local server
[11:47:52.956] Resolver error: The remote host's architecture is not supported
[11:47:52.963] ------